A Prewrath Critique of Dr. Mark Hitchcock’s “An Overview of Pretribulational Arguments” – Part 1

This is part 1 of my critique of the arguments that Dr. Mark Hitchcock made for the pretrib rapture position during the 2011 Pre-Trib Study Group Conference from the Pre-Trib Research Center. You can see the original presentation without edits here

BPT 2.0 – The Precursor Problem

In this episode I talk about the laundry list of explicit precursors to the Day of the Lord in the Bible and how they relate to the rapture debate. I also go through the three options that pretibulationalists have to deal with this problem, none of them are particularly good.

BPT 2.0 – A Look at Dr. Craig Blaising’s Rapture Theories

In this podcast I continue talking about how modern pretribulationalist are attempting to solve the problems of pretribs past. Dr. Craig Blaising seems to be in the forefront of this movement.

I also mentioned Alan Kurschners new audiobook which now on Audible. You can get a free copy by signing up for a free trial here: https://www.audible.com/pd/Antichrist-Before-the-Day-of-the-Lord-Audiobook/B081MZ848M?source_code=AUDFPWS0223189MWT-BK-ACX0-172989&ref=acx_bty_BK_ACX0_172989_rh_us

BPT 2.0 – Political Football & Imminence is Absurd

In this episode I talk about how the news about politics has become a lot like watching sports, and how its not a good idea to put out hopes in justice in this world, though I think we should strive for it. I also go through the idea of imminence and overuse the word “absurd.”

BPT – Is the Pope the Antichrist?, Satan and the AC, and Rapture Questions

download mp3 here
[audio: https://bibleprophecytalk.com/uploads/Chris%20White%20-%20BPT%20-%20Is%20the%20Pope%20the%20Antichrist_%20-%20Satan%20and%20the%20AC%20-%20Rapture%20Questions.mp3]
In this episode I answer questions about the Catholic church in the end times, Does Satan possess the Antichrist?, and what are the dangers of getting your rapture position wrong.