You can download it using the link below
Or if you prefer to download it:
The Christianity 101 DVD is now available as a free download. You can go to the following link and download the whole thing or only parts of it.
Download Link:
Please Note: The files total 7.72 gigabytes of data. Because of the large amount of material it can take a lot of time and bandwidth to download these files. So if you have limited bandwidth or limited space available on your computer, you may want to order the free DVD (using the form) instead.
You can copy the files to your computer, mp3 player, or smart phone. Or you can run them directly from the disc.
This data disc works like a flash drive. It contains 8 gigs of audio, video, & text. To open it, and view the files, insert it into a computer and open the “D” disk drive (sometimes in “my computer” for windows users)