A Prewrath Critique of Dr. Mark Hitchcock’s “An Overview of Pretribulational Arguments” – Part 1

This is part 1 of my critique of the arguments that Dr. Mark Hitchcock made for the pretrib rapture position during the 2011 Pre-Trib Study Group Conference from the Pre-Trib Research Center. You can see the original presentation without edits here

BPT 2.0 – The Precursor Problem

In this episode I talk about the laundry list of explicit precursors to the Day of the Lord in the Bible and how they relate to the rapture debate. I also go through the three options that pretibulationalists have to deal with this problem, none of them are particularly good.

BPT 2.0 – A Look at Dr. Craig Blaising’s Rapture Theories

In this podcast I continue talking about how modern pretribulationalist are attempting to solve the problems of pretribs past. Dr. Craig Blaising seems to be in the forefront of this movement.

I also mentioned Alan Kurschners new audiobook which now on Audible. You can get a free copy by signing up for a free trial here: https://www.audible.com/pd/Antichrist-Before-the-Day-of-the-Lord-Audiobook/B081MZ848M?source_code=AUDFPWS0223189MWT-BK-ACX0-172989&ref=acx_bty_BK_ACX0_172989_rh_us

BPT 2.0 – The Lies of the Third Reich , Hong Kong, and 2 Thess 2

I muse on some lessons from the excellent book the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and how it (kind of) pertains to Hong Kong. The main part of the podcast though is about the complete lack of consensus among pretribulationalist regarding 2 Thessalonians 2, otherwise known as pretrib Kryptonite. Check Out http://prewrathmovie.com

BPT – Is the Pope the Antichrist?, Satan and the AC, and Rapture Questions

download mp3 here
[audio: https://bibleprophecytalk.com/uploads/Chris%20White%20-%20BPT%20-%20Is%20the%20Pope%20the%20Antichrist_%20-%20Satan%20and%20the%20AC%20-%20Rapture%20Questions.mp3]
In this episode I answer questions about the Catholic church in the end times, Does Satan possess the Antichrist?, and what are the dangers of getting your rapture position wrong.